
This issue occurred after changing the certificate on vCenter server due to the certificate expired. Renewing the Vcenter certificate broke the Hosting connections in Citrix Studio.

Step to fix.

  1. Running this Powershell command to grab the current Connection and SSLTumbprints:
Get-ChildItem XDHyp:\Connections | Select-Object HypervisorConnectionName,FullPath,SslThumbprints
  1. Browse the vcenter WEB UI(using https://). You will see the certificate being used. Save / export to a .CER file.
  2. Import the exported CER certificate file to Machine / Computer account Certificate-> Trusted People

Do this on Delivery Controller Server!.

  1. Running this powersheell to change the updated certificate:
$cred = Get-Credential 
Set-Item -LiteralPath "<FullPath_to_connection>" -username $cred.username -Securepassword $cred.password -SslThumbprint "<New ThumbPrint>" -hypervisorAddress <vcenter URL>