This issue occurred after changing the certificate on vCenter server due to the certificate expired. Renewing the Vcenter certificate broke the Hosting connections in Citrix Studio.
Step to fix.
- Running this Powershell command to grab the current Connection and SSLTumbprints:
Get-ChildItem XDHyp:\Connections | Select-Object HypervisorConnectionName,FullPath,SslThumbprints
- Browse the vcenter WEB UI(using https://). You will see the certificate being used. Save / export to a .CER file.
- Import the exported CER certificate file to Machine / Computer account Certificate-> Trusted People
Do this on Delivery Controller Server!.
- Running this powersheell to change the updated certificate:
$cred = Get-Credential
Set-Item -LiteralPath "<FullPath_to_connection>" -username $cred.username -Securepassword $cred.password -SslThumbprint "<New ThumbPrint>" -hypervisorAddress <vcenter URL>