Download necessary files and its checksum.

Every time you download the file, it is advised to check the downloaded file and its checksum to ensure there was no corruption that might be caused by unstable network connection during the download or storage failure.


Get-FileHash [download-file] | Format-List

Duo Authproxy

Start authpoxy

net start duoauthproxy

Restart authpoxy

net stop duoauthproxy && net start duoauthproxy

Test Connectivity.



Duo Authproxy Password Encryption.

To enable password encryption on DUO, you can use both methods:

Encrypt Single password

  • Encrypted password in command-line.
authproxy_passwd.exe "[secret-password]"
  • Encrypted password, and exported the to a txt file.
authproxy_passwd.exe "password" >> C:\Install\ExportedEncryptedPassword.txt

After you encrypt password, put the encrypted password show on command-line or ExportedEncryptedPassword.txt on to config file (and adding _protected suffix).


– Before using encrypted password.

service_account_password = "real-secret-password"

– After using encrypted password.

service_account_password_protected = "generated-encrypted-password"

Encrypt whole config

Backup the config first before encrypting, just in case.

authproxy_passwd.exe --whole-config [config-file]

Decript whole config

authproxy_passwd.exe --whole-config --decrypt

Instaling duoproxy on multiple servers.

Installing duoproxy on multiple servers are possible for redudancy. You need to add both duoproxy servers on your router.

Upgrading Duo Proxy

To upgrade the Duo Authentication Proxy, simply download the most recent version and install it over your currently running version. The installer preserves your current configuration, log files, and encryption when upgrading to the latest release. Consider making a backup copy before running the upgrade, securing it as you would your running config file (as the backup file will also contain your passwords and secrets).

Duo status page