Find emails log from a particular sender in the last hour:

Get-MessageTrackingLog -Sender "" -Start (Get-Date).addhourse(-1)

Find emails log and filter based on sender domain:

Get-messagetrackinglog | where {[string]$_.recipients -like "*"} 

Find all emails log from a particular sender between a certain time period:

Get-messagetrackinglog -sender [email protected] -Start "02/24/2019 09:00:00" -End "02/25/2019 17:00:00" |ft Timestamp, Source, Sender, Recipients MessageSubject 

Find all emails log in specific time period and mails sent to any user under “” domain:

Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start "02/24/2019" -End "02/25/2019" | where {$_.recipients –like "*"} | select-object Timestamp,SourceContext,Source,EventId,MessageSubject,Sender,{$_.Recipients}

The Get-MessageTrackingLog results are displayed on-screen. You can write the results to a file by piping the output to ConvertTo-Html or ConvertTo-Csv and adding > to the command.

Export to CSV.

Get-MessageTrackingLog -Sender [email protected] -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) | export-csv C:tempMessageTrackingLogResults.csv