Backup Procedure.
Here is the backup procedure to backup the database on PostgreSQL.
Using PgAdmin.
- Launch
UI. - Enter the Credential.
- Select the Veeam Database.
- Right click, and choose Backup.
- Enter the FileName, browse the path where you want to save the backup.
- Format keep default
. By default postgreSQL backups the DB as.SQL
format. - Click Backup, and see the progress.
Using Powershell
- Open Powershell
- Go to Postgres bin folder. For example:
cd '.\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\'
- Enter the command to dump your database. For example:
./pg_dump.exe -U postgres -d VeeamBackup -f D:\BackupDB\filename.sql
- Type password for your postgres user
Restore Procedure.
Here is the backup procedure to restore the database on PostgreSQL.
Using PgAdmin
- Launch
UI. - Enter the Credential.
- Create a new database.
- Right click on the database, and choose Restore.
- Browse the backed up file. Click Restore, and see the progress.
Using Powershell
- Open Powershell
- Go to Postgres bin folder. For example:
cd '.\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\'
- Type this command to restore your database.
./psql.exe -U postgres -d VeeamRestoredDB -f D:\BackupDB\filename.sql
- Type password for your postgres user