
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) is a software tool provided by Dell for managing Dell PowerEdge servers. It allows system administrators to monitor, manage, and configure various aspects of the server hardware, such as storage, memory, processors, and RAID configurations.

Installing OMSA on Vmware

ON this article, i would like to share how to install the OMSA on the Vmware server.

Download the VIB file

  1. To download Dell OpenManage Server Administrator vSphere Installation Bundle (VIB) according to your ESXi version and your server model.
  2. Go to Dell Support and enter your server model, or enter service tag.
  3. Click Drivers & Downloads Tab.
  4. Filter to Keyword: OMSA, Operating System: Select your Operating System to VMware ESXi (depending on you ESXi Version).
  5. Downlad this file name:
Dell EMC OpenManage Server Administrator vSphere Installation Bundle (VIB) for ESXI xx.

Upload VIB to Datastore

  1. Extract the .zip file that is downloaded from Drivers & Downloads and extract all files.
  2. Take note of the location of the .vib file
  3. Select the Host
  4. Click Storage
  5. In the Storage panel, select the required Datastore
  6. Click Data Store Browser.
  7. On Datastore Browser, click Upload icon and then Upload File.

Install the package via ESXi WEB UI

  1. Login to ESXi server directly.
  2. Go to Manage then Packages.
  3. Select Install Update, enter the path where the package is uploaded before, and select Update.

Install the package via ESXi WEB UI

Enable SSH

  1. Login to ESXi server directly.
  2. Go to Actions drop-down, select Enable SSH.
  3. Login to the ESXi server via SSH.
  4. Install the VIB with the command line below. Check the correct path according to your installation package.
esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/[datastore_name]/cross_dell-openmanage-esxi_9.3.0.ESXi670-3465.vib
  1. If you are using the offline bundle, use below command.
esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/[datastore_name]/ 
  1. Disable the SSH back after installation is completed.