After the hardware upgrade or peripheral changes on the windows desktop or server, it typically leaves obsolete drivers that were no longer needed and needed to be removed.
Here are the steps to find and remove those obsolete drivers.
To find the drivers.
Using PowerShell:
Open PowerShell as an administrator. To display a complete list of installed drivers, run the following command:
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select-Object DeviceName, DeviceClass, Manufacturer, DriverVersion, DriverDate, InfName | Out-GridView
Using DISM
dism /online /get-drivers /format:table
This will show you a table with details like device name, class, manufacturer, driver version, installation date, and the driver’s .inf file name.
Using pnputil.exe
pnputil.exe /enum-drivers
Remove the drivers.
After you find the obsolete drivers, you can remove it use the following:
Remove it using pnputil
pnputil.exe /remove-device oemxxx.inf
If needed, add the /force switch to forcefully remove the driver:
pnputil /remove-device oemxxx.inf /force