SQL Always On Installation and Configuration

Network Design And IP Node Name Management IP Role DC01 AD/Dns Server SQL0A SQL Server SQL0B SQL Server SQLCL0A Cluster Name Object (CNO) SQLAGL0A SQL Availability Group Listener Requirement SQL Server requires a minimum of 20 GB of available hard drive space. Windows Server 2019 or greater Ensure that the system isn’t a domain controller. Ensure that each computer is running Windows Server 2019 or later versions with latest patches....

May 29, 2023 · 5 min · by Chisqi

Mariadb Replication on Docker

Introduction MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is a fork of MySQL. It was created by the original developers of MySQL after concerns over the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle Corporation. MariaDB replication MariaDB replication is a process that allows you to create and maintain a copy of a database on another server, which is known as a replica. Replication in MariaDB can be useful for various purposes, including load balancing, high availability, and backup....

May 23, 2023 · 5 min · by Chisqi

Install SQL on Windows Core

Introduction Windows Server Core: This is a minimal installation option for the Windows Server operating system. It doesn’t include the traditional graphical user interface (GUI), reducing the system’s footprint and attack surface. Administrators typically manage Server Core installations using the command line or remote management tools. Installing SQL on Windows Core. SQL is supported to be installed on Windows Core. Check the following example command to install it. Feature parameters Parameter and values Description /FEATURES=SQLEngine Installs only the Database Engine....

March 29, 2021 · 1 min · by Chisqi

SQL General Basic Command Cheatsheet

Create Firewall Rule to open 1433 Port New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "SQLServer Default instance" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow Check Version : SELECT @@VERSION Find Current Location of Data and Log File of All the Database SELECT name, physical_name AS current_file_location FROM sys.master_files COmmenting on SQL query /* COMENT A COMENT B */ Creating and Displaying Database Create Databases CREATE DATABASE dbtestb; List All databases; SELECT * FROM sys.databases; SP_DATABASES; Use Specific Database USE dbtestb; Delete Specified Database; DROP DATABASE dbtestb; Creating and Displaying Tables; Displaying Tables SELECT * FROM sys....

3 min · by Chisqi