Amlogic ARM-Based Single Board Computer duplicate MAC Address

Overview There’s annoying bug on cheap Amlogic ARM-Based Single Board Computer running Armbian with Debian 11 version. I recently instaling multiple devices with single image Armbian (Debian 11). Once the process completed, all devices were unable to connect to the network due to the MAC duplicate. The originial MAC Address was gone, and instead, it generated new MAC address on each devices lead to MAC duplicatation. Because all devices were using same MAC Addresses, the network connection was rejected by the router or firewall....

June 16, 2023 · 2 min · by Chisqi

Reinstall Grub EFI Debian using Refind

Introduction. Have you encountered a situation where you cloned a Debian OS VM, but the cloned VM failed to boot up? If so, you can try to use refind to fix that problem. Steps: Download the refind iso from here: (Refind Download)[] Boot refind and choose shell Ensure that the /boot/efi is mounted. If not, use mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi To reinstall the grub-efi package: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi Put the Debian bootloader in /boot/efi and create an appropriate entry in the computer NVRAM...

September 23, 2021 · 1 min · by Chisqi