Amlogic ARM-Based Single Board Computer duplicate MAC Address

Overview There’s annoying bug on cheap Amlogic ARM-Based Single Board Computer running Armbian with Debian 11 version. I recently instaling multiple devices with single image Armbian (Debian 11). Once the process completed, all devices were unable to connect to the network due to the MAC duplicate. The originial MAC Address was gone, and instead, it generated new MAC address on each devices lead to MAC duplicatation. Because all devices were using same MAC Addresses, the network connection was rejected by the router or firewall....

June 16, 2023 · 2 min · by Chisqi

Home DNS server To Protect Your Family

Introduction Pi-hole and AdGuard Home are open-source network-wide ad blocker and privacy protection software designed to protect any devices on your home. It functions as a DNS (Domain Name System) sinkhole, which means it filters and blocks requests to ad and tracking domains at the DNS level before they reach the devices on your network. This effectively prevents unwanted ads, pop-ups, and tracking attempts from appearing on all your family devices....

February 23, 2023 · 8 min · by Chisqi

Enable DOH on Mikrotik

Introduction DOH stands for “DNS over HTTPS,” which is a protocol that encrypts and secures Domain Name System (DNS) requests and responses using the HTTPS protocol. It helps improve privacy and security when resolving domain names to IP addresses on the internet. DOH combines these two concepts by encapsulating DNS queries and responses within HTTPS requests and responses. When a device uses DOH, it sends DNS queries to a DNS resolver using the HTTPS protocol....

August 23, 2021 · 3 min · by Chisqi