AD Replication Error - Target Principal Name is Incorrect after the Server clock suddenly goes back to 18XX

Overview Today, I experienced Active domain controller replication issue after the primary domain controller (DC that hold the PDC roles) was suddenly went back to 1879. This situation caused the replication break as the Primary domain controller was tagged as tombstone. Server environment ServerName FSMO Role DC01 Schema master, naming master,PDC, RID pool manager,Infrastructure master DC02 Secondary Domain Controller and DNS DC03 Secondary Domain Controller and DNS Issue All replication from DC01 to DC02 and DC03 or vice versa breaks with Tombstone reason as the following:...

April 6, 2024 · 6 min · by Chisqi

Mariadb replication ERROR 1201 (HY000): Could not initialize master info structure

Overview You got Mariadb replication ERROR 1201 (HY000): Could not initialize master info structure for ''; when running start-slave after the migration. Steps: Check the Current Master Binary Log Position Login to master server, and run the following: docker exec mariadb-master show-status Replication Mode: master [mysql] *************************** 1. row *************************** [mysql] File: mysqld-bin.xx [mysql] Position: xx [mysql] Binlog_Do_DB: [mysql] Binlog_Ignore_DB: ############### Connections ############### Reset and Reconfigure Replication On the slave server, stop the slave: STOP SLAVE; Reset the replication....

July 3, 2023 · 1 min · by Chisqi

Mariadb Replication docker - Error Got fatal error 1236

Overview The error message Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: typically indicates that the replication slave is trying to read from a position in the master’s binary log that doesn’t exist. The detailed error is as follow: [mysql] Last_IO_Errno: 1236 [mysql] Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Client requested master to start replication from impossible position; the first event 'mysqld-bin....

June 23, 2023 · 2 min · by Chisqi